I previously wrote a review complaining about Vinesse customer service.

I would not recommend this club and it makes me even more uneasy that they continue to possess my credit card information and there exists no way for me to remove it. This was a deliberate attempt to conceal an annual fee. It's obviously deliberately poor business practice to not let a customer know there's an annual fee when they sign up, and to only provide that information via snail mail, when it's an online wine club (in 2022). They reiterated that they did disclose it - via a letter they mailed (which probably looked like spam and I never saw or opened) "so that I'd have a hard copy". I stated that they still need to disclose this information more clearly, and much earlier in the process - like, when you sign up and in the welcome email and on the website. When I contacted support and asked them to cancel my account and refund this fee (that was never disclosed), they said they mailed this information via a letter and that the fee could be applied to any purchase as a voucher and was nonrefundable.

Was assessed a 30 dollar annual fee - which was never disclosed during sign-up, in the welcome email, or anywhere on their website (including their FAQ and policy section which has a subsection about Memberships but conveniently omits any information/disclosure of an annual fee).