
Max payne 2 the fall of max payne gameplay
Max payne 2 the fall of max payne gameplay

max payne 2 the fall of max payne gameplay

Is "Max Payne 2" better than the original? Well, that's hard to say. The finale, just like in the original, is breathtaking and climactic. The characters all seem real, the action is never really THAT far-fetched (at least not in comparison to the original) and, believe it or not, the love story between Max and Mona Sax is entirely convincing. What's so great about "Max Payne 2" is how involving and engaging it is while still managing to be perhaps the smartest and deepest video game ever made. In the sequel, he's basically got a price over his head because he knows about a secret organization that is splitting in two over a mob war - and he teams up with a femme fatale from the previous story (whom he thought was dead) to take them on. The first game followed Payne after his wife and child were murdered - another aspect I preferred in the first since Max's revenge motives were more hard-boiled and raw. He also looks a lot more like the typical cop character from a police movie, which I think works to the game's advantage. I do miss the original face of Max because I had grown so accustomed to it, however - I think overall this one looks more beaten-down and destroyed, emotionally and physically. The previous game's model was based on "Max Payne" creator Sam Lake, whereas in this game they actually hired an actor to model Max on. One thing that took a while to get used to were all the differences in the characters, as well as Max Payne's new physical features in this game (noticeably, his face).

max payne 2 the fall of max payne gameplay

They used real actors for the game and the cut scenes are more realistic than in the first game (which looked more like a comic).

#Max payne 2 the fall of max payne gameplay movie

Some people have complained that it is too short (I personally beat it in perhaps five or six hours), but this only enriches the experience because it moves along at a rapid pace and manages to come across more as a movie than a video game. I knew they had attempted to make this as theatrical and true to the roots of film noir as possible, but the depth and emotion in this is simply amazing.

Max payne 2 the fall of max payne gameplay